Friday, July 20, 2007

The Destiny of Potter

With less than 24 hours left, before the world will know the destiny of Harry Potter in his 7th and probably the last book, I thought about wondering how it could end...
Its a well known fact that authors, when they manage to create a larger than life character, tend to ensure that the character ends with them, so that no other author can continue with the legacy. Call it an intuitive defense towards one's intellectual property, but the world has seen it happen many times. As was the case with Sherlock Holmes, who was eventually wrapped up towards a "the end" albeit a not so happy one, by his archenemy in the final book, as intended by Sir Doyle. That public outcry/or pressure from his publisher made him revive the detective is as yet unknown, but I believe Rowling would be aware and probably would have shared the feelings of ensuring that the Potter saga ends, as and how she has planned.
There is the perennial fear of some other author continuing the story, which could perhaps make her decide to kill him off. Surely, if Voldemort kills him(and gets killed himself), the audience wont really be surprised as by now the-one-who-must-not-be-named has reached gigantic proportions, with his closest adversary Dumbledore also out of the way...
So will it be the end of probably one of the most popular fictional characters in the history of the world?
I somehow dont think so.
Reason? Well I believe JKR is much more sensible. Unlike Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, JKR knows that a movie is set to follow the book. And a happy ending would yield higher and much better revenues for the film.
But after the Rise of the "dark lord" can the boy who survived, keep surviving again and again? And better still manage to kill the murderer of his parents? That, although heroic, and suiting Harry Potter's current image in front of his followers in the wizarding word, would be very hard to swallow.
Due to all this, my prediction is that Harry would succumb to his archenemy, though he would be able to rise again, just like Voldemort himself, and ultimately manage to get rid of the Dark Lord. Moreover, to bring the story to a conclusion(and to avoid possible extension of the story), I expect JKR to settle Harry into a married life(assuming ofcourse that he survives) and/or blast him into the future after which a kid's book would not be that much of a possibility.

How correct my prediction is, I would know tomorrow, when the pre-ordered version should be delievered(hopefully). How I will manage to survive the night, with the pirated e-book so easily available over the interenet, is something that I do not know.

P.S: for those who didnt realise, I am back! ;)


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