Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Time to pull out the kitkats

As the regular followers of this blog(actually i dont even know if *anybody* falls in this category) might already have realised, i have taken a break for blogging for the time being.
This break has more to do with time management problems rather than any lack of interest in blogging, but the good news is that the tunnel seems to be nearing its end, as I can see light very near.
This blog will be very soon be back with new posts.
And hopefully also a bug-fix!(It had been brought to my notice by a friend that commenting option is not appearing,despite commenting being fully enabled through the settings. I guess it has something to do with the template modifications that I have made)

Till then, lets just take a break :)

Update: As you can see, the pending posts have started coming. Not the "latest" issues per se but these were posts that I had started and wanted to finish.
In any case, the break is over :)


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